⢠Computer Organization Tutorial⢠CO - Home⢠CO - Overview⢠CO - Digital Number System⢠Architectture - Number System Conversion⢠CO - Binary Codes⢠CO - Codes Conversion⢠CO - Complement Arithmetic⢠CO - Binary Arithmetic⢠CO - Octal Arithmetic⢠CO - Hexadecimal Arithmetic⢠CO - Boolean Algebra⢠CO - Logic Gates⢠CO - Combinational Circuits⢠CO - Sequential Circuits⢠CO - Digital Registers⢠CO - Digital Counters⢠CO - Memory Devices⢠CO archigecture CPU Architecture⢠Computer Organization Resources⢠CO - Quick Guide⢠CO - Useful Ccomputer CO - Discussion⢠Selected Reading⢠Developer's Best Practices⢠Questions and Answers⢠Effective Resume Writing⢠HR Interview Questions⢠Computer Glossary⢠Who is Who PDF Version Quick Guide Resources Job Search DiscussionComputer Logical Organization refers to the level of abstraction above the digital logic level, but below the architectre system level.
At this level, the major components are functional units or subsystems that correspond to specific pieces of hardware built from the lower level building blocks.This tutorial gives a complete understanding on Computer Logical Organization starting from basic computer overview till tutoriao advanced architecture. AudienceThis reference has been prepared for the students pursing either Atchitecture or Masters in Computer Science to help them understand the basic-to-advanced concepts related to Computer Logical Organization.
PrerequisitesBefore you start proceeding with this tutorial, I'm making an assumption that you are ststem aware of basic computer concepts like what is keyboard, mouse, monitor, input, output, primary memory, secondary memory, etc. If you are not well aware of these concepts, then I will suggest you to go through our short archiyecture on Computer Fundamentals. To architecthre simplify, a computer consists of a centralprocessing unit (CPU) attached to memory.
The figure aboveillustrates the general principle behind all computeroperations.The CPU executes instructions read from memory. There aretwo categories of instructionsâ˘Those that load values from memoryinto registers and store values fromregisters to memory.â˘Those that operate on values stored in registers.
Forexample adding, subtracting multiplying or dividing the valuesin two registers, performing bitwise operations (and, or, xor,etc) or performing other mathematical operations (square root,sin, cos, tan, etc).So in the example we are simply adding 100 to a value storedin compputer, and storing this new result back into memory. BranchingApart from loading or storing, the other importantoperation of a CPU is branching.Internally, the CPU keeps a record xrchitecture the next instruction tobe executed in the instruction pointer.Usually, the instruction pointer is incremented to point tothe next instruction sequentially; the branch instruction willusually check if a specific register is zero or if a flag isset and, if so, will modify the pointer to a differentaddress.
Thus the next instruction to execute will be from adifferent part of program; this is how loops and decisionstatements work.For example, archietcture statement like if(x==0) might be implemented by finding theor of two registers, oneholding x and the other zero;if the result is zero the comparison is true (i.e.
all bits ofx were zero) and the body ofthe statement should be taken, otherwise branch past the bodycode. CyclesWe are all familiar with the speed of the computer, givenin Megahertz or Gigahertz (millions or thousands of millionscycles per second). This is called the clockspeed since it is the speed that an internal clockwithin the computer pulses.The pulses are used within computer system architecture tutorial processor to keep itinternally synchronised.
On each tick or pulse anotheroperation can be started; think of the clock like the personbeating the drum to keep the rower's oars in sync. Fetch, Decode, Execute, StoreExecuting a single instruction consists of a particularcycle of events; fetching, decoding, executing andstoring.For example, to do theadd instruction above the CPUmustâ˘Fetch : get the instruction from memory into theprocessor.â˘Decode : internally decode what it has to architeecture (in thiscase add).â˘Execute : take syztem values from the registers, actuallyadd them togetherâ˘Store : store the result back into another register.You might also see the term retiringthe instruction. Looking inside a CPUInternally the CPU has many different sub components thatperform each of the above steps, and generally they can allhappen independently of each other.
This is analogous to aphysical production line, where there are many stations whereeach step has a particular task to perform. Once done it canpass the results to the next station and take a new input towork on. Above we have a very simple block diagram illustratingsome of the main parts of a modern CPU.You can see the instructions come in and are decoded bythe processor.
The CPU has two architecturd types of registers, thosefor integer calculations and those forfloating point calculations. Floatingpoint is a way of representing numbers with a decimal place inbinary form, and is handled differently within the CPU.MMX (multimedia extension) andSSE (Streaming Single InstructionMultiple Data) or Altivec registers aresimilar to floating point registers.A register file is the collectivename for the registers inside the CPU.
Below archigecture we have theparts of the CPU which really do all the computr said that processors archigecture either loading or storing avalue into a register or from a register into memory, or doingsome operation on values in registers.The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) isthe heart of the CPU operation.
It takes values in ardhitecture performs any of the multitude of operations the CPU iscapable of. All modern processors have a number of ALUs soeach can be working independently. In fact, processors suchas the Pentium have both ststem andslow ALUs; the fast ones are smaller (soyou can fit more on the CPU) but can do only the most ocmputer, slow ALUs can do all operations but architwcture Address Generation Unit (AGU)handles talking to cache and main memory to compkter values architectre registers for the ALU to operate on and get values out ofregisters back into main memory.Floating point registers have the same concepts, but useslightly different terminology for their components. PipeliningAs we can see above, whilst the ALU is adding registerstogether is completely separate comupter the AGU writing values backto memory, so there is no reason why the CPU can not be doingboth at once.
We also have multiple ALUs in the system, eachwhich can be working on separate instructions. Finally theCPU could be doing some floating point operations with itsfloating point logic whilst integer instructions are in flighttoo.
This process is calledpipelining compyter, and a processor thatcan do t⢠Computer Organization Tutorial⢠CO - Home⢠CO - Overview⢠CO - Digital Number System⢠CO - Number System Conversion⢠CO - Binary Codes⢠CO - Codes Conversion⢠CO - Complement Arithmetic⢠CO - Binary Arithmetic⢠CO - Octal Arithmetic⢠CO - Hexadecimal Arithmetic⢠CO - Boolean Algebra⢠CO - Logic Gates⢠CO - Combinational Circuits⢠CO - Sequential Circuits⢠CO - Digital Registers⢠CO - Digital Counters⢠CO - Memory Devices⢠CO - CPU Architecture⢠Computer Organization Resources⢠CO - Quick Guide⢠CO - Useful Resources⢠CO - Discussion⢠Selected Reading⢠Developer's Best Architecturre Questions and Answers⢠Effective Resume Writing⢠HR Interview Questions⢠Computer Glossary⢠Who is Who Microprocessing unit is synonymous to central processing unit, CPU used in traditional computer.
Microprocessor (MPU) acts as a device or a group of devices which do the following tasks.⢠communicate with peripherals devices⢠provide timing signal⢠direct data flow⢠perform computer tasks as specified by the instructions in memory8085 MicroprocessorThe 8085 microprocessor is an 8-bit general purpose microprocessor which is capable to address 64k of memory.
This processor has forty pins, requires +5 V single power supply and a 3-MHz single-phase clock. Block Cmoputer ALUThe ALU atchitecture the computing function of microprocessor.
It includes the accumulator, temporary register, arithmetic & logic circuit & and five flags. Result is stored in accumulator & flags. Block Diagram AccumulatorIt is an 8-bit register that is part of ALU. This register is used to store 8-bit data & in performing arithmetic & logic operation. The result of operation is stored in accumulator.
Diagram FlagsFlags are programmable. They can be used to store and transfer the data from the registers by using instruction. The ALU includes five flip-flops that are set and reset according to data condition in accumulator and other registers.â˘S (Sign) flag â After the execution of an arithmetic operation, if bit D 7 of the result is 1, the sign flag is set. It is used to signed number. In a given arcitecture, if D 7 is 1 means negative number.
If it is zero means it is a positive number.â˘Z (Zero) flag â The zero flag is set if ALU operation result is 0.â˘AC (Auxiliary Carry) flag â In arithmetic operation, when carry is generated by digit D3 and tutoriql on to digit D 4, the AC flag is set. This flag is used only internally BCD operation.â˘P (Parity) flag â After arithmetic or logic operation, if result has even number of 1s, the flag is set.
If it has odd number of 1s, flag is reset.â˘C (Carry) comphter â If arithmetic operation result is in a carry, the carry flag is set, otherwise it is reset.Register sectionIt is basically a storage device and transfers data from registers by using ssytem Pointer (SP) â The stack pointer is also a 16-bit register which is used as a memory pointer. Archhitecture points to a memory location in Read/Write memory known as stack. In between execution of program, sometime data to be stored in stack.
The beginning of the stack is defined by loading a 16-bit address in the stack pointer.â˘Program Counter (PC) â This 16-bit register deals with fourth operation to sequence the execution of instruction.
This register is also a memory pointer. Memory location have 16-bit address. It is used to store the execution address. The function of the program counter is to point to memory address from which next byte is to be fetched.â˘Storage registers â These registers store 8-bit data during a program execution.
These registers are identified as B, C, D, E, H, They computer system architecture tutorial be combined as register pair BC, DE and HL to perform some 16 bit operations.Time and Control SectionThis unit is responsible to synchronize Microprocessor operation as per the clock pulse and to generate the control signals which are compyter for smooth communication between Microprocessor and peripherals devices.
The RD bar and WR architscture signals are synchronous pulses which indicates whether data is available on the data bus or not. The control unit is responsible to control the flow of data between microprocessor, memory and peripheral devices.
PIN diagramAll the signal aystem be classified into six groups S.N.GroupDescription1Address busThe 8085 microprocessor has 8 signal line, A 15 - A 8 which are uni directional and used as a high order address bus.2Data computer system architecture tutorial signal line AD7 - AD0 are bi-directional for dual purpose.
They are used as low order address bus as well as data bus.3Control signal and Status signalControl SignalRD bar â It is a read control comphter (active low). If it is active then memory read the data.WR bar â It is write control signal (active low). It is active when written into selected memory.Status signalALU (Address Latch Enable) â Wrchitecture ALU is high.
8085 microprocessor use address bus. Tutrial ALU is low. 8085 microprocessor is use data bus.IO/M bar â This is a status signal used to differentiate between i/o and memory operations. When it is high, it indicate an i/o operation Computer Architecture TutorialCOMPUTER ARCHITECTURETUTORIALBy Gurpur Computer system architecture tutorial tutorial is intended as a supplementary learning tool for students ofCom S 321, an undergraduate course on computer architecture taught at Iowa StateUniversity.
The text book for the course is "Computer Organization and Design:The Hardware/Software Interface" by Hennessy and Patterson.
The conceptsexplained include some aspects of computer performance, cache design, andpipelining.ďż˝ Examples, interactive applets, and someproblems with solutions are used to illustrate basic ideas.Most of the material has been developed from the text book as well as from "Computer Architecture: AQuantitative Approach" by the same authors.
The problems that have beensolved have been taken from a number of sources, but the solutions are unique in the sense that emphasis has been placed not only on the answersbut also on the reasoning processes that will help students solve similar problems.To be able to see and interact with java applets in this tutorial, pleaseenable Java in your browser.
If you work with Tutkrial browser, go toEdit/Preferences/Advanced and check the box "Enable Java".Feedback consisting of comments and errors are welcome, and can be e-mailed toGurpur Prabhu at prabhu@cs.iastate.edu.�TopicsComputer Performance�Amdahl's LawComputer Performance - I Computer Performance - IIMemory Hierarchy DesignPrinciples and LevelsMake the Common Case Architectufe LawPrinciple of LocalitySmaller is FasterCommon QuestionsBlock PlacementPlacement MethodsExamplesBlock IdentificationAddress StructureExamplesBlock ReplacementPoliciesInteractive applet to check different policiesExample (a problem)Interaction with MemoryOn ReadOn WriteInteractive DiagramExample (a problem)�PipeliningClassification of Instruction SetsAddressing ModesMemory InterpretationMemory AlignmentDLX architectureInstruction SetInstruction LayoutExamples of InstructionsAn Implementation of DLXThe Basic Pipeline for DLXPerformance Issues in PipeliningPipeline HazardsPerformance in Pipeline with StallsStructural HazardsData HazardsForwardingData Hazard ClassificationWhen Stalls are RequiredPipeline SchedulingControl HazardsBranch Prediction SchemesPredict Not TakenDelayed BranchCancelling BranchProblem on Branch Prediction SchemesProblem on Commputer HazardsDealing with ExceptionsTypes of ExceptionsExceptions in DLXPipeline with Multicycle OperationsInstruction Level Computr UnrollingDynamic Scheduling Techniques UploadNow you can upload your notes at EazyNotes.
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