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Dramafever brilliant legacy indowebsters
Dramafever brilliant legacy indowebsters

Download Dramafever brilliant legacy indowebsters

  • checked by moderators: Yes
  • Author: Felhagas
  • Downloads: 6129
  • Downloaded (total): 702 time
  • Added: 09.06.2015

Perempuan yang mencoba untuk menjadi diri yang lebih baik, mencobauntuk menyalurkan kesenangan dramafever brilliant legacy indowebsters hal yang lebih positif dan manfaat.Dan hanyalah seorang perempuan yang sedang mencari jalan untuk capaimimpi-mimpinya.Gumawo yang lgacy yah, :D Lihat profil lengkapku �>2012 (13)�>September (1)�>Juli (2)�>Juni (6)�>Mei (1)�>April (1)�>Maret (1)�>Januari (1)��2011 (243)�>Desember (8)�>November (13)�>Oktober (50)�>September (16)�>Agustus (2)�>Juli (3)�>Juni (17)�>Mei (9)�>April (5)�>Maret (2)��Februari (71)� [Photo] Kim Soo Hyun in Black & White "Marie Clair.� [Photo] Moon Geun Young in "Basic House"� Daftar Isi� [News] Film Terbaru di Februari 2011 + Preview� [Profil] IU� [News] Film Terbaru Song Hye Kyo "Nobody Somebody".� [Single] IU Full + Download� [Album] IU - indoowebsters Up" legwcy Download� [Album] IU - "IU.IM" + Download� legady IU - "Lost ang Dramafever brilliant legacy indowebsters + Download� [News] Mini Album Terbaru Dramfaever "Real" + Link Downloa.� [News] Rain & Shin Se-Kyung berpasangan dalam Film.� [Download] Drama The Duo Ep 1-32 End "Medium Qual.� [Photo] Calender 2011 Jang Geun Suk Spesial Edisi .� [Photoshoot] Jang Geun Suk "Ole Beauty"� [Photo] Calender 2011 Jang Geun Suk Part 2� [Photo] Calender 2011 Jang Geun Suk Part 1� [Download] Ost Sungkyunkwan Scandal� [Download] Ost My Princess� [Download] Ost Dream High� [Download] Ost Paradise Ranch� UpComing Drama Korea in 2011� Poster Paradis Ranch Drama Korea 2011� Lima Rahasia Wanita Tampak Seksi� [Download] Dream High Ep 1-16 + Ep Special� [Download] Sungkyunkwan Scandal Ep 1-20 End� [Download] Oh My Lady Ep 1-16 End� [Download] Bad Drajafever Ep 1-17 End� [Download] He's Beautiful Indowebstwrs 1-16 End� indowebxters Shining Inheritance ak Brilliant Legacy.� [Download] Drama Playfull Kiss Ep 1-6 End + PK Spe.� [Download] Cinderella's Sister Ep 1-20 "Medium Qua.� [Download] Mary Stayed Out All Night "Medium Quali.� Mempercantik Tampilan Blog dengan Efek Salju� [Download] Full Ost Legacg Garden + Lyrick� [Preview] Secret Garden� [Download] Drama Secret Garden Full Ep 1-20 End� [Download] Bread Ihdowebsters and Dream 1-30 End� [Donwload] My Princes "Medium Quality" Ep 1-16 En.� [Download] Drama Flames of Ambition Ep 1-50 End� Mempercantik tampilan Blog dengan Salju & Bintang� [Games] Seperti Dramfever Kamu� MOB Part III� MOB Part II� MOB Part I� PEREMPUAN� Esok Kan Tiba� Apa yang Kau Cari� Aku adalah Cinta� Aku dan Sepi� Kaset Rekaman� Suatu Waktu� Kisah Seekor Tikus� Seruan Hidup� Mengenalku� Antara Ayah, Ibu dan Aku�� Do'a� Bunga Itu.� Gak Tau Judulnya >> Baca Saja� Mungkin Saja� Musim Semi Datang Lagi� Aku Sudah Bahagia� Aku berteriak aku menyayangimu� Surat Inem buat doi'nya� My Sassy Girl 2 Taiwan Movies� My Sassy Girl versi Jepang dramafefer Ryoki Teki Xramafever Kanojo� My Sassy Girl BollyWood / Ugly Our Pagly� [Watch] My Sassy Girl KDrama� [Watch] My Sassy Girl KMovie� My Sassy Girl Chun-Hyang� [Download] Ost Dramafevver Girl Chun Hyang�>Januari (47)�>2010 (2)�>Desember (2) TV Show: Brilliant Legacy (English title) / Shining Inheritance (literal title)Revised romanization: Chanranhan Dramafecer ??? ??Director: Jin HyeokWriter: So Hyeon-KyeongNetwork: SBSEpisodes: 28Release Date: April 25, 2009 - July 26, 2009Runtime: Saturday & Sunday 21:45Language: KoreanCountry: South KoreaCast :Han Hyo Brrilliant as Go Eun SungLee Seung Ki as Sun Woo Brilliznt Soo Bin as Park Joon SaeMoon Chae Won as Yoo Seung MiNote: Drama ini sudah pernah tayang diindosiar pada tahun 2010 lalu.Medium Quality download links, re-encoded from high qualitydimensions: 640 x 352file size: ~350 mbEnglish Subtitles: Haru2subScredit: f0reveralwaysNote: I couldn't find 450p so I just re-encoded the regular 700mb ones (:Join MediaFire parts (the .001.002 extensions) with HJSplit.Sample (29 seconds): MegaUpload || MediaFireEpisode 01: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 02: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 03: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 04: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 05: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 06: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 07: MegaUpload || MediaFire ddramafever, MediaFire 2/2Episode 08: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 09: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 10: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 11: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 12: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 13: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 14: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 15: MegaUpload || Dramagever 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 16: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 17: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 18: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 19: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 20: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 21: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 22: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2Episode 23: MegaUpload || MediaFire 1/2, MediaFire 2/2EpisodeThis is Lee Seung Gi's Digitial Single in his dramafeber drama Shining Inheritance OST.

I've included the audio and the English translations on-screen. (No, I didn't translate them, credit to whoever did!) Hope this allows more people to realise what an awfully sweet song this is :) Thanks, x.Category: EntertainmentLength: 00:02:57Tags: Shining Inheritance Lee Seung Gi OST Rdamafever You Marry Me .Watch Video Download Link Mp3: Seung Brklliant sang this song when he was at a kareoki with his friends in Shining Inheritance it was shown in the early episodes.Enjoy!Category: EntertainmentLength: 00:02:45Tags: Lee Seung Gi Lee Seung Ki Shout .Watch Video Shining Inheritance starring Han Hyo Joo and Lee Seung Ki Shining Inheritance, also known as Brilliant Rramafever, is perhaps THE smash hit of 2009 so far.

This quintessential Cinderella story pulled in ratings even higher than Boys Over Flowers and crossed the much-desired 40% mark in ratings.

Headed by rookie actor Lee Seung Ki, formerly best known as a pop singer, it launched him to instant stardom, while further solidifying female lead Han Hyo Joo (Iljimae, Spring Waltz) as one of Korea's foremost young actresses today.

Well-acted, written, and directed, Shining Inheritance is a great example of what can happen when Kdrama conventions are done right.Category: EntertainmentLength: 00:00:34.500Tags: televisa asian drama television .Watch Video NO COPYRIGHT INFRINGEMENT INTENDED.

I do not own anything in this video. I just wanted to make a fanvid MV(Music Video) of this Drama. yeah I know I'm a bit late since this drama aired I think last year?. LOL. but anyways, just enjoy the vid! thanks! :))Category: EntertainmentLength: 00:02:58.500Tags: shining inheritance brilliant legacy .Watch Video Song: Losing My Mind Singer: Lee Seung Gi Album: My Girlfriend Is A Nine Tailed Fox OST This drama is my most anticipated drama to watch this year.

I've been waiting for this to air and be subbed immediately so I could understand it. I've watched LSG on 'Shining Inheritance' and he was really great in there. and I am a great fan of him too. I've watched Billiant on 'A Love To Kill' and i really like her in that drama too. but the first and last i've seen/watched of her. I've watched indowebstres the trailers/previews they have released and I am liking it so far.

Dramaafever of the actors are really cute and great. Brillliant, couldn't wait for this drama. It's going to premiere on Wednesday, 11th of August. YES! If you want to download this or other songs and videos I subbed go to my blog: you can also download albums from Korean, Japanese, Filipino, & Americans songs.Category: EntertainmentLength: 00:02:36.750Tags: .Watch Video Credits: drama: Brilliant Legacy/Shining Inheritance song - Grow Old With You singer: Adam Sandler briliant Lee Seung Gi and Han Hyo JooCategory: People & BlogsLength: 00:02:09Tags: Brilliant Legacy Shining Inheritance .Watch Video I put a slideshow together with most of the pictures released on the official website of "Brilliant Legacy," "Shining Heritage," or "Shining Inheritance," or whatever you want to dramafeer it, the new drama starring Lee Seung Gi, Han Hyo Joo, Moon Chae Won, and Bae Su Bin!

I also put in screenshots of the first released trailer, etc. Of course the pictures are LSG-centered. =) The background music is "Smile Boy" by Lee Seung Gi. All rights reserved to and and others for the music and photos. EDIT: The last episode aired on July 26th, 2009, with a viewer rating of 47.1% (that is, 47% of Koreans tuned in to watch it that day)!!

It was a real, quality drama, and I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did! ^^ (If you still haven't watched it. WATCH IT NOW! It really is a great drama.) -AdamsCategory: EntertainmentLength: 00:02:46.500Tags: drama brilliant legacy shining inheritance .Watch Video drama: Brilliant Legacy actors: Lee Seung Gi, Han Hyo Joo indowebstfrs Music for routines from Kill Bill The MovieCategory: People & BlogsLength: 00:01:10.500Tags: Brilliant Legacy Shining Inheritance .Watch Video My newest MV.a compilation of Lee Seung Gi's "Will You Marry Me?" performances!^^ I love this song and all of Seung Gi's performances are so cute!!

Took me a while to match up his lips and the lyrics of the song but I think it turn out well!^^ Enjoy!!^^Category: MusicLength: indowwbsters Lee Seung Gi leeseunggi Will You Marry Me .Watch Video this is a french sub of K.Will's song "Love is punishment" Shining Inheritance / Brilliant Legacy OST translator: nana @ ss501-international.forum2ouf.ruCategory: MusicLength: 00:03:03Tags: K.will Love punishment Shining .Watch Video played by ear, no sheets.

only becos u see SOME sheet doesnt mean i have THESE sheets. so dont be paranoid ;-) hope you like it. i liked the drama very much lndowebsters mp3 download www.mediafire.ruCategory: MusicLength: 00:02:53.250Tags: shining inheritance brilliant legacy .Watch Video OMG. they are together again.It looks like the email we have in your account is invalid.

Please update this to complete the sign-up process.It looks like the email we have in your account is invalid.Looks like your email is invalid. Update email Would you like to receive DramaFever news and exclusive promotions?Would you like to receive DramaFever news and exclusive promotions?Would you like to receive DramaFever promotions? Yessubscribe me Main Navigation Go Eun Sung leads a charmed life.

Her wealthy, adoring father allows her to live her dreams of studying abroad, and the only difficulty in her life is her younger brother's struggle with autism. Despite all this good fortune, everything changes for Eun Sang when her loving father dies of mysterious circumstances.

After the family discovers lehacy Eun Sang's father left behind a tremendous amount of debt, her brilllant promptly throws her and her brother out of the house. Homeless and penniless, Eun Sung takes a job as a waitress at a nightclub to support herself and her brother.

Eun Sung hits rock bottom when her brother disappears. Her fortunes turn, however when her kindness lands her a new lucrative job and a new family of sorts, which leads to new fortune, but also new obstacles. Related Themes� melodrama� tearjerker� classic� bad boy� food� blockbuster� betrayal� sassy girl� career oriented� modern� money� destiny� rags to riches� love hate relationship� generations DramaFever's current library includes Korean Dramas, Latin Drsmafever Telenovelas, and a wide selection of Asian TV shows and movies for free.In English� In English� En Espanol� Em Portugues� In Arabic� In Turkish� ??����� 2016 DramaFever Corp.| c1d51e9In Partnership with TooFab | HPMG News � Products� DramaFever News� DramaFever Apps� Company� About Us� Advertising� Press Releases� Become an Affiliate� Work at DramaFever� Support� Solution Center� Video Questions� Contact Us� Device Support� Terms of Use� Privacy Policy Not a member?Sign up�� Profile Watch History Log Out� Profile� Overview� Following� Collections� Projects� Contributions�� Edit Profile� Account Settings� Viki Pass Settings�� Help Center� Log Out When Eun Sung inowebsters Hyo Joo) loses everything, she is given a second chance because of her pure heart.

She and her autistic brother are thrown out of the house dramafeverr their stepmother when their father is believed to have died in an accident. Then her brother wanders off and gets lost.

One day, when she helps an old woman who is injured, the old lady rewards her by making Eun Sung heir to her food company, displacing her grandson, Woo Hwan (Lee Seung Gi). Can Eun Sung find her brother and the life she is meant to lead? Original title ??? ?? Romanized title chan ran han yu san Also brllliant as Beautiful Legacy, Brilliant Legacy, Shining Inheritance Broadcast Network SBS Broadcast Period 04-25-2009 to 07-26-2009 Rating PG-13 Korea Romance Korean Drama Drama Site LanguageSelect the site language for displaying all messaging on the site including all menus, buttons, and labels.Content LanguageSelect the content language for displaying show titles, descriptions and subtitles.

The language will revert to English if your chosen language is unavailable.� Site :English� Content :English Popular� English� Espanol� Francais� Portugues� ???� ????� ????� ???Other�Abkhazian�Afar�Afrikaans�Akana�Amharic�AngloSaxon�Az?rbaycan�Bahasa Melayu�BahasaIndonesia�Basa Jawa�Bengali�Bodskad�Bosanski�Catala�Chamoru�Cherokee�Cuengh�Cymraeg�Dansk�Deutsch�Divehi�Dzongkha�Eesti�Esperanto�Euskara�Faka Tonga�Gaeilge�Gagana Samoa�Galego�Gaidhlig�Hmong�Hrvatski�Interlingua�Italiano�Karaoke�Kaszebsczi�Kernewek/Karnuack�Khmer�Kirundi�Kiswahili�Kreyolayisyen�Kurdi/?????�Lao�Latina�Latviesu�Lietuviu�Magyar�Malagasy�Malayalam�Moldoveana�Myanmasa�Na Vosa Vakaviti�Nederlands�Nehiyaw�Norsk(Bokmal)�Oriya�O�zbek�Polski�Romana�Rumantsch�Sesotho�Shqip�Slovencina�Slovenscina�Soomaaliga�Srpskohrvatski�Suomi�Svenska�Tagalog�Tatarca/�������Ti?ngVi?t�Twi�Turkce�Wollof�Yoruba�chi Shona�lolspeak�tlh Ingan-Hol�Islenska�Cestina�????????����?�����������������������������������������/Srpski��������������������?���?��???????�?????�???????�????�???????�?????�??????????�??????�?????�?????????�??????�??????�???????�?????�??????�?????�???�?? ��2012(11)�>September(5)��Agustus(6)� Download Briliant legacy full episode� Download mp3 Noah separuh aku� NoaH Separu Indowebster Korean Drama Download The Moon That Embraces The S.� 4minutes indowebstes up� bunga sakura 0 -9101st Proposal2009 Alien Baseball Team21st Century Family3 Days38 Task Force400 Years� Dream49 Days7th Grade Civil Servant9 End 2 Outs90 Days, Falling in Love DaysAAge Of YouthAfter The Show EndsA New LeafA Daughter Just Like YouAdolescence MedleyAdvertising Genius Lee Tae BaekA Faded MemoryA Gentleman�s DignityA Good Day For The Wind To BlowA Hundred Years InheritanceAn Angel�s ChoiceAngel EyesAngel�s RevengeAir CityAll About My MomAll About My RomanceAll My LoveAlone In LoveA Man Called GodA Man�s StoryAmore MioAngry MomAnother Miss OhAnother PartingAnswer Me 1994Arang and the MagistrateApgujeong Midnight SunAssemblyAssorted GemsA Tale of Two SisterAthena : Goddess of WarA Thousand Days� PromiseA Thousand KissesAuction HouseA Well Grown Daughter HanaA Wife�s CredentialsAwlBBaby-faced BeautyBachelor�s Vegetable Brilliiant CoupleBad FamilyBad GuysBad LoveBad ManBad Woman, Good WomanBag StoryBaik Hee Has ReturnedBangja ChroniclesBaker King, Kim Tak GooBasketballBeautiful Gong ShimBeautiful MindBeautiful YouBecause It�s The First TimeBeethoven VirusBefore And After : Plastic Surgery ClinicBel AmiBelleBelovedBeloved Eun DongBest LoveBeyond The CloudsBicheonmuBigBig Fish / DaemulBig ManBillie Jean, Look at Me / Look at MeBird That Doesn�t CryBirdie BuddyBirth Of A BeautyBirth of A Rich ManBirth SecretBittersweet LifeBlade and PetalBlissful WomanBlue Bird�s HouseBlue FishBloodBoarding House No.

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Oh Soo JungGhostGiantGichalbirokGirl KGive Love AwayGive Me FoodGlamorous TemptationGlass BandageGlass MaskGloriaGlorious DayGoddess of MarriageGood Bye Mr. BlackGood PersonGod of StudyGod of WarGod�s Gift � 14 DaysGod�s Indowebstters Quiz 2God Quiz 3God�s Quiz Season 4Golden BrideGolden CrossGolden Era of Briloiant in LawGolden FishGolden RainbowGolden TimeGoodbye Dear WifeGoodbye SoloGood DoctorGood For YouGood Job, Good JobGoong / Princess HoursGoong SGlory JaneGlory of YouthGlowing SheGourmetGrandpas Over Flower Investigation TeamGreat InheritanceGreatest MarriageGreen CoachGu Am Heo JoonGu Family BookGumiho : Tale of the Fox�s ChildGyebakHHaeundae LoversHair ShowHappiness in the WindHappy EndingHarvest VillaHateful But Once AgainHealerHeard It Thourgh The GrapevineHeart To Dramafveer To The GroundHeaven�s GardenHello, GodHello !

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���� � ��� indoaebsters ��������� ������ Facebook, inowebsters ������ ���� ��������, ��� ���������� ����� ��� ��, brllliant �������������� �� ��� �������. Title: ??? ?? / Shining InheritanceChinese title : ?????Also known as : Brilliant Legacy / Chanranhan Yusan/ Beautiful LegacyPreviously known as: ??? ???? / Life Is BeautifulGenre: RomanceEpisodes: 28Broadcast network: SBSBroadcast period: 2009-Apr-25 to 2009-July-26Air time: Dramafdver & Sunday brilliwnt Eun Sung�s life is similar to Cinderella�s.

After her father died, her step-mother, Baek Sung Hee, took away all of her assets and her younger brother, Eun Woo, suddenly disappears without a trace. Despite this, Eun Sung preservers and works really hard to fulfill her dreams.

When the CEO of a food company, Jang Dramafevr Ja, suffers amnesia dramafeveer can�t remember who she is Eun Sung takes her in. However, Eun Sung does not know that she is the grandmother of Sun Woo Hwan, the man who she switched bags with at the airport. How will their constant bickering brilliwnt them to realize that they ineowebsters more about each other than they let on?CastHan Hyo Joo as Go Eun SungLee Seung Ki as Sun Woo HwanBae Soo Bin as Park Jun SeMoon Chae Won as Yoo Sung MiExtended CastKim Mi Sook as Baek Sung HeeMin Young Won as Lee Hye Ri (Eun Sung�s friend)Yun Joon Suk as Go Eun WooJung Suk Won as Jin Young Suk (Hwan�s friend)Han Ye Won as Sun Woo JungBan Hyo Jung as Jang Sook JaYoo Ji In as Oh Young Ran (Hwan & Jung�s mother)Kim Jae Seung as Lee Hyung JinSon Yeo Eun as Jung In YoungChoi Jung Woo as Park Tae SooLee Seung Hyung as Pyo Sung ChulJun In Taek as Go Pyung Joong (Eun Sung�s father)Baek Seung Hyun as Manager Lee Joon YoungPark Sang Hyun as Han Soo JaeProduction CreditsDirector: Jin Hyuk (??)Screenwriter: So Hyun Kyung (???)Awards2009 SBS Drama Awards: Achievement Award (Ban Hyo Jung)2009 SBS Drama Awards: Female Top Excellence Award (Kim Mi Sook)2009 SBS Drama Awards: Best Actor Award � Special Planning Drama (Lee Seung Ki)2009 SBS Drama Awards: Best Actress Award � Special Planning Drama (Han Hyo Joo)2009 SBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award (Lee Seung Ki and Han Hyo Joo)2009 MNET 20?s Choice Awards: Hot Female Drama Star (Han Hyo Joo)2009 MNET 20?s Choice Awards: Hot Male Drama Star (Lee Seung Ki) Name: ??? / Han Hyo Joo rramafever Hyo Ju)Profession: Actress and ModelBirthdate: 1987-Feb-22Birthplace: Cheongju, South KoreaHeight: 170cm .Weight: 48kgStar sign: PiscesBlood type: ATalent agency: Fantom EntFamily: Younger brotherEducation: Dong Gook University (Dramatics and Films department)Hobbies: Singing, Watching Movies, Writing, Practice acting, Playing piano, Listening to music, Reading, ldgacy Piano, telling fairy tales, writing, running, fencingReligion: ChristianDiscovered at a teenage beauty pageant in 2003 TV ShowsDong Yi (MBC, 2010)Telecinema Heaven�s Postman indoqebsters, 2009)Shining Inheritance (SBS, 2009)Iljimae (SBS, 2008)By Land and Sky (KBS1, 2007)Spring Waltz (KBS2, 2006)Nonstop 5 (MBC, 2005)MoviesOnly You (2011)Ride Away (2008)Ad-Lib Night (2006)My Boss, My Teacher (2005)Awards2011 47th Baeksang Art Lrgacy Best Actress (Drama) (Dong Yi)2010 MBC Drama Awards: Grand Prize (Dong Yi)2010 MBC Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Dong Yi)2010 Korea Drama Festival: Best Actress brrilliant Yi)2010 5th Seoul Drama Awards: Hallyu Special Award for Female Actress (Shining Inheritance)2009 Deamafever Drama Awards: Top Ten Star Award2009 SBS Drama Awards: Best Actress (Special Planning), (Shining Inheritance)2009 SBS Drama Awards: Best Couple with Lee Brillkant Ki (Shining Inheritance)2009 MNET 20?s Choice Awards: Hot Female Drama Star (Shining Inheritance)2008 SBS Drama Awards: New Star Award2007 KBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Female)2007 KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple (with Park Hae Jin)2007 Korea�s Best Dressed Award2007 20th Singapore International Film Festival: Best Actress Award2006 26th Korean Screen Critics Award: Best Female Newcomer Award2003 Binggrae Smile Awards: First Prize �������� �����. Name: ??? / Bae Soo Bin (Bae Su Bin)Real brillianh ??? / Yoon Tae WookNickname: Sunny BaeProfession: ActorBirthdate: 1976-Dec-09 .Height: 180cmWeight: 68kgBlood type: AStar sign: SagittariusTalent agency: BH EntertainmentEducation: Photography (in Korea), Beijing Film Dramfever (in China)Skills: Swimming, Jazz DanceHobby: Watching moviesHe speaks Chinese fluently and good English. TV Series49 Days (SBS, 2011)Hurry and Indwoebsters Me (KBS2, 2010)Dong Yi (MBC, 2010)Temptation of an Angel (SBS, 2009)Shining Inheritance (SBS, 2009)The Painter of the Wind (SBS, 2008)Woman of Matchless Beauty, Park Jung Kum (MBC, 2008)Auction House (MBC, 2007, ep 12)The Book of Three Han (MBC, inodwebsters Marry (MBC, 2005)Fashion 70?s (SBS, 2005������� ����������� �� ��� �������, ��������� ��� ������� ��䳿 �� ������ ������.

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Name: ??? / Han Hyo Joo (Han Hyo Ju)Profession: Actress and ModelBirthdate: 1987-Feb-22Birthplace: Cheongju, South KoreaHeight: 170cm .Weight: 48kgStar sign: PiscesBlood type: ATalent agency: Fantom EntFamily: Younger brotherEducation: Dong Gook University (Dramatics and Films department)Hobbies: Singing, Watching Movies, Writing, Practice acting, Playing piano, Listening to music, Reading, etc.Talents: Piano, telling fairy tales, writing, running, fencingReligion: ChristianDiscovered at a teenage beauty pageant in 2003 TV ShowsDong Yi (MBC, 2010)Telecinema Heaven�s Postman (SBS, 2009)Shining Inheritance (SBS, 2009)Iljimae (SBS, 2008)By Land and Sky (KBS1, 2007)Spring Waltz (KBS2, 2006)Nonstop brilliaant (MBC, 2005)MoviesOnly You (2011)Ride Away (2008)Ad-Lib Night kndowebsters Boss, My Teacher (2005)Awards2011 47th Baeksang Art Awards: Best Actress (Drama) (Dong Yi)2010 MBC Drama Awards: Grand Prize (Dong Yi)2010 MBC Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Dong Yi)2010 Korea Drama Festival: Best Actress (Dong Yi)2010 5th Seoul Drama Awards: Hallyu Special Award for Female Actress (Shining Inheritance)2009 SBS Drama Awards: Top Ten Star Award2009 SBS Drama Awards: Best Actress (Special Planning), (Shining Inheritance)2009 SBS Drama Awards: Best Couple with Lee Seung Ki (Shining Inheritance)2009 MNET 20?s Choice Awards: Hot Female Dramavever Star (Shining Inheritance)2008 SBS Drama Awards: New Star Award2007 KBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (Female)2007 KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple drxmafever Park Dramfever Jin)2007 Korea�s Best Dressed Award2007 20th Singapore International Indowebsfers Festival: Best Actress Award2006 26th Korean Screen Critics Award: Best Female Newcomer Award2003 Binggrae Smile Awards: First Prize �������� �����. Name: ??? / Bae Soo Bin (Bae Su Bin)Real name: ??? / Yoon Tae WookNickname: Sunny BaeProfession: ActorBirthdate: 1976-Dec-09 .Height: 180cmWeight: 68kgBlood type: AStar sign: SagittariusTalent agency: BH EntertainmentEducation: Photography (in Korea), Beijing Film School (in China)Skills: Swimming, Jazz DanceHobby: Watching moviesHe speaks Chinese fluently and good English. TV Series49 Days (SBS, 2011)Hurry and Tell Me (KBS2, 2010)Dong Yi (MBC, 2010)Temptation of an Angel dramafever brilliant legacy indowebsters, 2009)Shining Inheritance (SBS, 2009)The Painter of the Wind (SBS, 2008)Woman of Matchless Beauty, Park Jung Kum (MBC, 2008)Auction House (MBC, 2007, ep 12)The Book of Three Han (MBC, 2006)Let�s Marry (MBC, 2005)Fashion 70?s (SBS, 2005)MBC Best Theater Ep616 (MBC, 2005)Sea Bgilliant (KBS, 2004)When a Man is in Bril,iant (SBS, 2004)MBC Best Theater Ep577 & Ep585 (MBC, 2004)The Proof of Memories (CCTV, 2002)MoviesFlight (2009)Ae Ja (2009)Club Butterfly (2001)Awards2009 SBS Drama Awards: Top Ten Star Award (Shining Inheritance and Temptation of an Angel)2008 SBS Drama Awards: Best New Star (The Painter of the Wind) �������� �����. Name: ??? / Moon Chae Won (Mun Chae Won)Profession: Actress and modelBirthdate: 1986-Nov-13Birthplace: Daegu, South KoreaHeight: 168cm .Weight: 46kgStar sign: ScorpioBlood type: BFamily: Older brotherEducation: Chugye University for the Arts (Western Painting degree)Talent agency: Barunson Entertainment TV SeriesThe Princess� Man (KBS2, 2011)It�s Okay, Daddy�s Girl (SBS, 2010)Road Number One (MBC, 2010, cameo)Take Care of the Young Lady (KBS2, 2009)Shining Inheritance (SBS, 2009)The Painter of the Wind (SBS, 2008)Mackerel Run (SBS, 2007)MoviesWar of the Arrows (2011)Our School E.T (2008)Awards20112011 KBS Drama Awards: Top Excellence Bfilliant, Best Actress (The Princess� Man)2011 KBS Drama Awards: Popularity Award (The Princess� Man)2011 KBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Awards with Park Si Hoo (The Princess� Man)19th Republic of Brilluant Cultural Entertainment Framafever Awards � Outstanding Dramavever Actress (War of the Arrows)19th Republic of Korea Cultural Entertainment Art Awards � Best Actress (The Princess� Man)27th Korea Best Dresser Swan Awards infowebsters Best Dresser TV Actress (The Princess� Man)3rd Asian Jewelry Awards: Diamond for Actress Category9th Korea Imdowebsters Awards by Dong-A TV: Best Dressed Female Artist32nd Blue Dragon Film Awards: Best New Actress Award (War of the Arrows)48th Daejong Film Awards: Best New Actress Award (War of the Arrows)2010Seoul Drama Awards (Polls): Best Actress brillinat Asia (Brilliant Legacy)2008SBS Drama Awards: Best Couple Award with Moon Geun Young (The Painter of the Wind)SBS Drama Awards: New Star Award brlliant Painter of the Wind)16th Korean Cultural and Performing Art Awards � Best New Star (The Painter of the Wind) �������� �����. Title: ??? ?? / Shining Inheritanc� Home� Chat� FAQ� K-Drama� Movies� J-Drama� Movies� C-Drama� Movies� TW-Drama� Movies� HK-Drama� HK-Movie� Thai-Drama� Thai-Movie� SG-Drama� SG-Movies� PH-Drama� PH-Movies� Index� Ongoing Series� K-Drama Series� K-Drama Movies� J-Drama Series� J-Drama Movies� C-Drama Series� C-Drama Movies� TW-Drama Series� TW-Drama Movies� HK-Drama Series� HK-Movies� Thai-Drama Series� Thai-Movies� SG-Drama Series� SG-Movies� PH-Drama Series� PH-Movies� Tokusatsu (Live-Action)� Kamen Rider� Super Sentai� Ultraman� Other Asian Drama Series� Other Asian Drama Movies� Anime� Editors� Pick� Not 4 Kids� Request Dorama� Forum� Report Links� Top 100 J-Dramas� Contact Us � 0-9� A� B� C� D� E� F� G� H� I� J� K� L� M� N� O� P� Q� R� S� T� U� V� W� X� Y� Z� Index� Ongoing Series� K-Drama Series� K-Drama Movies� J-Drama Series� J-Drama Movies� C-Drama Series� C-Drama Movies� TW-Drama Series� TW-Drama Movies� HK-Drama Series� HK-Movies� Thai-Drama Series� Thai-Movies� Tokusatsu (Live-Action)� Kamen Rider� Super Sentai� Ultraman� Other Asian Drama Series� Other Asian Drama Movies� Anime� Editors� Pick� Not 4 Kids� RSS Feed � 0� 0ne Fine Day in 0ctober (2014) (0 Sub | 2 Raw)�� 1� 1 Percent of Anything (2003) (K-Drama)� 101st Pr0p0$al (SBS) (Drama) (2006)� 18 vs.

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