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Virtual dj error asio driver not enough channels
Virtual dj error asio driver not enough channels

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THE COMPLETE DJ SOLUTION FOR VIDEO & Vitual MIXING� PRODUCTS� What is VirtualDJ� Screenshots� What's new in v8� VirtualDJ vs competition� Price and Licenses� ContentUnlimited� Old products� DOWNLOAD� Download VirtualDJ� User Manuals� Addons� For VirtualDJ 8� For VirtualDJ 7� Press Material� Developer SDK� Timecode CD� BUY� COMMUNITY� Forums� Users Network� CloudLists� Radio� Magazine� Social Web�� Create a login� COMPANY� Atomix Productions� Job Offers� Drivre Policy� End User License Agreement� Featured DJs� SUPPORT/HELP� Ask a question� View your tickets�� Manuals� Wiki � PRODUCTS� What is VirtualDJ� Screenshots� What's new in v8� VirtualDJ vs competition� Price and Licenses� ContentUnlimited� Old products� DOWNLOAD� Download VirtualDJ� User Manuals� Addons� For VirtualDJ 8� For VirtualDJ 7� Press Material� Developer SDK� Timecode CD� BUY� COMMUNITY� Forums� Users Network� CloudLists� Radio� Magazine� Social Web�� Create a login� COMPANY� Atomix Productions� Job Offers� Privacy Policy� End User License Agreement� Featured DJs� SUPPORT/HELP� Ask a question� View your tickets�� Manuals� Wiki Forum: VirtualDJ 7 Technical Support (PC Version)Use this forum if you asii questions or difficulty with VirtualDJ 7 on Windows.NOTE: VirtualDJ 7 is not maintained anymore.

VirtualDJ forumsVirtualDJ 7 Technical."Error in the. glenndane PRO Infinity Member since 2010 Just purchased Virtual DJ 7 Pro, have a Numark DJIO connected, and have it installed on a new Asus G73S running 64-bit Windows 7.

I keep getting these errors: "Error in the ASIO sound driver: Not enough channels" then "Error in the ASIO sound driver. Your soundcard is probably not connected, or the settings are incorrect." Settings in VDJ are correct. Do I need to do something with the computer's sound card? Any help would be appreciated.Posted Wed 27 Jul 11 @ 8:11 am Support staff Member since 2010 Please ensure that the latest drivers for the DJIO are installed and it is configured correctly. See on the page Wed 27 Jul 11 @ 11:43 am glenndane PRO Infinity Member since 2010 Actually this problem turned out to be very simple.

I had the DJIO plugged into a USB 3.0 port. I plugged it into a USB 2.0 port and it worked right away. Odd that an error did not appear during the installation.Posted Thu 28 Jul 11 @ 8:02 am tony2tone PRO Infinity Member since 2010 I'm having this same problem i purchased the numark mixtrack but i have the traktor audio 2 the traktor works with vdj but the mixtrack isn't connecting someone anyone have advicePosted Thu 02 Aug 12 @ 10:32 pm groovindj PRO Infinity Member since 2007 The reason you can't select an ASIO driver with the Mixtrack is that it doesn't have a sound card.

The Mixtrack Pro is the model with the sound card, and even that isn't an ASIO card.Posted Fri 03 Aug 12 @ 8:34 am slevy Home user Member since 2012 i am also gwtting this error message. ive just got the hercules dj control instonct and it came with the djuced programme which im not familiar with i have virtual dj pro 7 already and need help settong up the hercules mixer with vdj. thanksPosted Sun 12 May 13 @ 6:51 am Support staff Member since 2010 Please register your Pro serial number to your account and then download the latest version from the Download Center: If you have not purchased VirtualDJ Pro then please support the software and its future development by purchasing it: (Especially if you are working DJ and are making money as a result of using it at your gigs.) Once you have done this, make sure that you have the latest drivers and firmware installed: Then check your errror configuration - It should be similar to other Hercules products such as the 4-Mx: Sun 12 May 13 @ 11:46 am elect1 PRO Infinity Member since 2011 I just install the Numark N4 with VDJ LE.

"Error in the ASIO sound driver: Not enough channels" popped up. What do I do from this point.Posted Wed 30 Oct 13 @ 11:16 am pedro siqueira Home user Member since 2014 tenho um controladora DDJ SB rodando 64 bits do Windows 7.estou recebendo esses erros: "Erro no driver de som ASIO: canais nao e suficiente", em seguida, "Erro no driver de som ASIO. sua placa de som provavelmente nao esta ligada, ou as configuracoes estao incorretas. "Qualquer ajuda seria apreciada.Posted Tue 07 Jun 16 @ 10:23 pm In this video, DesktopTechPros will give you a tutorial on how to fix the Virtual DJ ASIO driver problem that many people have.{SUBSCRIBE to our channelLike our Facebook pageFollow us on TwitterBecome a MEMBER on our website} - links are on our channel � Start by typing a product or service name and we will look it up!� Sorry, that product doesn't exist in our system yet.�NS6�Omni Control�Stealth Control�Mixdeck�Mixtrack�Mixtrack Pro�DJiO�iDJ Live�IDJ App�Mixtrack Pro II�Mixtrack II�NS7�iDJ Pro�4TRAK�V7�Mixdeck Quad�N4�NDX900�Mixdeck Express�NDX800�iDJ3�DJ2GO�MixMeister Control�NDX400�NDX200�iDJ2�HDMIX�iCDMIX 3�iCDMIX 2�CDMIX1�MP103USB�CDN88 MP3�CDN77USB�CDN55�CDN450�X9�X6�X5�DXMPRO�iM9�M8�M6 USB�M4�M3�M2�M101USB�M101�iM1�M1USB�M1�C3FX�C3USB�C3�C2�C1�Electrowave�Red Wave�Redphone�PHX USB�PHX�HF125�iDEC�TTXUSB�TTUSB�PT-01USB�Virtual Vinyl�Cue�Stereo iO�NPM100�NPM5�Orbit�Mixtrack Quad�NS7II�NV�NDX500�Mixtrack Edge�iDJ Live II�HF150�HF325�HF350�N-Wave 580�N-Wave 360�DJ|iO 2�EZ Vinyl/Tape Converter�NS7III�Mixtrack Pro 3�Mixtrack 3�HF Wireless�Lightwave�NS7II Display�Dashboard�Mixdeck Express (2016)�TT100�CDN22�NVII�CDN22MKIII�N-Wave 360�Total Control�PT01 Scratch�TT200�TT1610�HDCD1�CDN15�D2 Etror Platinum�Party Mix�PT01(finish) Hi there,Could someone channesl assist me in configuring my mixdeck as a midi controller with VDJ?

When I try to configure the setup, it tells me this,"Error in the ASIO asioo driver: Not enough channels."What does this mean? I have updated the firmware to v0.42Can anyone help me here? Hello Evan,Thanks for posting. Your setup is incorrect in Virtual DJ. Make sure your using the latest version of No DJ 7 which is 7.4.1. Follow my directions below.INPUTS: NoneOUTPUTS: HeadphonesSOUNDCARD: Numark Hello Evan,Thanks for posting.

Your setup is virtual dj error asio driver not enough channels in Virtual DJ. Make sure your using virtaul latest version mot Virtual DJ 7 which is 7.4.1. Follow my directions below.INPUTS: NoneOUTPUTS: HeadphonesSOUNDCARD: Numark � Home� DJ Courses� DJ Controller Guide� News/Editorial� Latest News� Features & Opinion� Readers' Questions� Reviews/Talkthroughs� Hardware� Software� Accessories� Skills/Techniques� Music & Mixing� Equipment & Software� Getting Success� Forums � Home� DJ Controller Guide� DJ Courses� News & Editorial� Latest News� Features & Opinion� Readers' Questions� Reviews� Hardware� Software� Accessories� Skills & Techniques� Music & Mixing� Equipment & Software� Getting Success� Forums� About Us� Privacy Policy / Terms & Conditions� Posting Guidelines� Advertisers� Contact Us Any help would be appreciated with this problem.I have a numark mixdeck that I just got a virtual dj error asio driver not enough channels weeks ago.

I've been trying to use it with Virtual DJ and I've been able to get the program synced with the mixdeck. However, I am not able to hear any audio out of drver headphones. I have the midi protocol running on the mixdeck and it receives the song selections from the computer but no sound through the headphones.When I go to config and change the outputs to whatever at this point I get this error message " error in the asio sound driver. Not enough channels. In this drver, I am on my desktop and not a laptop.

I am able to play vdj through the simple output. if I change any of that, I am not able to play any songs on vdj.Once again, any help would be appreciated because i know i will see this problem again once i load the software onto my laptop. Thx You must check that you have the latest errog for your Mixdeck and softwarealso DL and install the latest driver.

(Delete current driver b4 installing the new one)You will find all those here: be shore that you have the soundcard virtuwl the mixdeck shosen in your computer and not the internal soundcard! Thanks for the speedy reply.I ended up playing with the config settings some more after deleting and reinstalling the mixdeck drivers.

I also downloaded the asio4all driver because inside my sound and audio properties under the hardware and drivers tabs, I noticed that the wdm is not digitally signed. So I thought that would matter but it still hasn't done much.I also changed my audio properties of sound playback/recording and midi playback to the mixdeck.Any other ideas.

My drivers are up to date. But I'm still not able virrtual get nothing to play on those other config settings inside vdj. In fact, once they are changed and the program closed out. I get the error message whenever I restart the program and it crashes. I have to open it like three times for it to open on those settings. You need to find out why there is a error message!I think you have a conflict on your virtjal driver or ASIO.Check your computer so that you do not have other drivers than the new ones!If that is not the case pleas post the text of the error message. Problem with my numark mixdeck.I am getting no sound coming out of any of the outputs on the mixdeck.The LED Meters are all the way up to red and I can hear anything from the headphones either for cuing.both of the decks shows that the track is playing but I am getting no sound just vj a light blurry sound.ONe of my friends thinks it has a blown out fuse or something.idk can you help me out???If you want i can take video of it so you can understand better.again both decks showing that its playing the track but no sound is coming out from the mixer.

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If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. � Virtual dj 8 getting started by�felipemedina666 706�views� Virtual dj 7 audio setup guide by�Van Romero 865�views� Virtual dj 7 getting started by�Viviana Villar Lopez 2659�views� Manual virtual dj by�victorvictoria66 7158�views� Virtual dj 7 audio setup guide by�raidenzr 260�views� Manualyoga by�raidenzr 248�views Virtual dj 7 audio setup guide�1.TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION 3 HOME and BROADCASTER VERSION SETUPS 3CONFIGURATION OPTIONS DEFINED 4BASIC (QUICK) CONFIGURATIONS 5 HEADPHONES 5 EXTERNAL MIXERS 8 MICROPHONE 11 LINE INPUTS 12ADVANCED CONFIGURATION 13 BASIC (QUICK) CONFIGURATIONS 13 ADVANCED 14 REWIRE 18 RECORD LOOPBACK 19TIMECODE 20 BASIC (QUICK) CONFIGURATION 20 ADVANCED CONFIGURATION 21 CALIBRATION 22SOUND CONFIGURATION ERROR MESSAGES 26LEGAL INFORMATION 28 2�2.INTRODUCTIONVirtualDJ?s sound driger options can be found in the Configuration (Settings) dialog under thetab labeled �Sound Setup�.

Depending on platform version you are running there are different optionsyou may have to choose from.By default, when VirtualDJ is first installed, the SIMPLE configuration setup is used. Simpleconfiguration uses the system identified �Primary Sound Driver� as the Master Output. Cirtual, thisis the built-in sound card of the computer system as seen in the figures below.For HOME and BROADCASTER versions the options are kept simple for quick configuration.

? Simple Output � no Headphones (default installation option) ? Simple Headphones configuration using o Desktop - 4.1 sound card o Laptop - USB sound card o Laptop - Split signal with a Y- cableWith the Headphone options please considerthe following: ? Desktop - 4.1 Sound ergor � use the standard speaker line out (FRONT) for the main output mix and the REAR Channel for aslo headphones ? Laptop - USB Sound card � use the headphone line out for the main mix and the speaker out (Channels 1&2) of the USB device for the headphone mix ? Laptop - Y-cable � with a Y-cable plugged into the headphone line out, the Left channel (white) is the main mix and the Right channel (red) is the headphone mixFor PRO BASIC and PRO FULL versions there are more options available to virtual dj error asio driver not enough channels VirtualDJ toyour hardware � ? Basic (Simple) setup ont Quick select advance setups ? Timecode Configuration ? Advanced Configurations ? Rewire Support Setup**Note: these options are available inHOME and BROADCASTER versions for alimited period of use by clicking on the[More�] button.

3�3.CONFIGURATION OPTIONS DEFINEDWhen working with the PRO BASIC and PRO FULL versions, it is important to understand the variouselements of the Sound Setup tab as these become important in getting to the more advanced setups. ? Inputs � select the type of input devices to be used o None o Single Timecode o Timecodes o Line Ins o Microphone ? Outputs � select the output paths to be used o Single output o Headphones o External Mixer o 3-Ch External Mixer o Advanced Config ? Sound card � select the sound enoigh type (drivers) to be used o Simple (Only available when Single Output is selected) o Mono-separated o 2-cards o 4.1 capable sound card o ASIO (PC Only) o 4-out (Mac Only)*** Screen captures throughout this guide are from the PC version of VirtualDJ and are identical tothose when using the Mac version.

Where necessary to show unique differences on the Mac version,additional screen captures are provided. *** 4�4.BASIC (QUICK) CONFIGURATIONS - HEADPHONESBasic computer setups are configured for using one Master output and a Microphone input. So thedefault SIMPLE configuration will get you started initially. But, if you wish to use headphones or anexternal mixer, so that you can play one track to the crowd and listen to the next track in headphones;you will need to utilize one of the following configurations.HEADPHONES WITH 1 OUTPUTChange the Outputs option from Single Output to Headphones.

You will see that the Sound cardoption automatically changes to Mono Separated. This configuration requires the use of a 3.5MM(1/8�) splitter (pictured below) from your headphone jack. 3.5MM Male to Female SplitterThe Left channel output is connected to yourspeaker?s and the headphones are connectedto the Right channel output.After making the connections they arereversed, then easily correct this withinVirtualDJ by changing the output assignments.Use the drop-down to the right of theHeadphones selection and change to Master:Right chan / Headphones: Left chan.This configuration is most common when using standard computer speakers and not connectiSUBJECTS > FORUM UK/US > [Solved] Hercules DJ Control Air - Virtual DJBack to the topicsREPLY[Solved] Hercules DJ Control Air - Virtual DJTurtletim3MessagesPosted on 05/07/12 at 19:56:29Post flagged to moderatorsQUOTE Netherlan.� DJ Control AIRHi guys, I use virtual dj for my hercules dj control air because i think it is a better program than djuced but i have a problem: i hear the music only trough the headphones, the speakers dont work.

my sound setup: Input: none Output: Headphones, Master Chan 1/2, Headphones Chan 3/4 Sound card: Asio driver, Enpugh DJ Control Air Asio if i change the output to Master Chan 3/4, Headphones Chan 1/2, I only hear music from the speakers.

can anyone help me please?DJ Phatso4004MessagesPosted on 05/08/12 at 13:30:55Post flagged to moderatorsQUOTE Canada� DJ 4Set� DJ Console 4-Mx� DJ Console Rmx� DJConsole RMX2� DJ Control AIR� DJControl Air+� DJControl Compact� DJControl Glow� DJControl Instinct� DJControl Jogvision� DJControlWave� Deejay Trim 4&6� P32 DJ� Universal DJ� Djuced�� VirtualDJ�� Serato�� Traktor�� Ableton Live�Just to be clear, your speakers are connected to the back of the DJ AIR, and your headphones to the front connector chaannels If so, outside of VDJ, if you are using the DJ AIR as a soundcard to play music with iTunes for example, do you get sound out of your speakers ?The Phat one!

Hercules DJ Forum TeamTurtletim3MessagesPosted on 05/08/12 at 14:00:19QUOTE Netherlan.� DJ Virtual dj error asio driver not enough channels AIRthank you! haha you asked if my speakers are connected to the back but i had them connected to my pc, didnt know channeels was a input in the back, sorry its my first controller and i just started, i have to leart a lot! djuced worked fine when i had te speakers connected to my pc so thats why i tought it was a fault in the configs of vdj thank you very much!!DJ Phatso4004MessagesPosted on 05/08/12 at 15:47:11QUOTE Canada� DJ 4Set� DJ Console 4-Mx� DJ Console Rmx� DJConsole RMX2� DJ Control AIR� DJControl Air+� DJControl Compact� DJControl Glow� DJControl Instinct� DJControl Virtual dj error asio driver not enough channels DJControlWave� Deejay Trim 4&6� P32 DJ� Universal DJ� Djuced�� VirtualDJ�� Serato�� Traktor�� Ableton Live�Indeed, it is a commun mistake for beginners.

In the configuration, you ask VDJ to use the DJ Control AIR as a soundcard, and select both outputs of this said soundcard for the main and headphone. If you think about it for a second, it becomes obvious that if your speakers are vhannels connected to the DJ AIR, it will not work.The Phat one! Hercules DJ Noot TeamTurtletim3MessagesPosted on 05/08/12 at chanjels DJ Control AIR� Djuced�� VirtualDJ�Hey turtletim, kun jij mij uitleggen hoe ik de hercules dj control air met virtual kan laten spelen?

groetjes stefan p.s mn engels is heel slecht:Pwhazzaa2MessagesPosted on 06/27/12 at 14:28:33QUOTE Greece� DJ Control AIRHey guys,I did everything you said but when i press apply a message says : <>. Can you tell me what's wrong?DJ GSA11MessagesPosted on 07/03/12 at 08:11:14QUOTE SpainBuenas, me compre la mesa ara 2 o 3 dias y me traia un CD con el djuced.

Pero yo no quiero ese programa yo quiero el virtual dj me puede decir alguien como programo yo el virtual para que sirva mi mesa. Me explicado? Gracias!� 1� 2� >� >>Back to the topicsREPLY

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